Pinellas County AirBnB Income & Occupancy rates
Curious about how AirBnB Rental Properties are doing in Pinellas County? While other areas across the country may be feeling a downturn in their bookings, Pinellas County AirBnB rentals are still going strong. We’ve compiled the average Pinellas County AirBnB income rates and occupancy rates for several cities in Pinellas County, including all the beach cities. These income and occupancy numbers are based on the actual previous 12 months bookings of short term rentals in the Pinellas County area.
Area Occupancy Rate Average Daily Rate
Belleair Beach 80% $290
Clearwater 71% $174
Clearwater Beach 77% $265
Dunedin 77% $186
Gulfport 76% $179
Indian Rocks Beach 80% $283
Largo 67% $229
Madeira/Redington Beaches 80% $230
Oldsmar 73% $173
Palm Harbor 70% $225
Pinellas Park 59% $175
Safety Harbor 70% $202
Seminole 67% $273
St Petersburg 77% $212
St Pete Beach/TI 77% $244
Tarpon Springs 70% $196
* Pinellas County AirBnB Income and Occupancy data was compiled from various short term rental sources including Airbnb and VRBO bookings.
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